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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Spooky Science of Specters! The Bloodcurdling Truth

Supernatural or Super aware?

There are plenty of monsters and witches that are globally known, but the one spook that reigns supreme has to be the ghost. This alleged spiritual entity is complex to understand and research. While many people believe in the supernatural, even more remain skeptical. Intorducing Infrasound.

People dismiss the idea because it’s “impossible” or “unnatural,” but others have claimed to witness the impossible become possible.

The Ghost frequency

Have you ever seen or experienced anything strange, something you couldn’t explain? Have you ever turned off the light and then rushed upstairs despite being entirely alone? The “haunted house feeling” is that strange feeling that you are being stalked by a supernatural or occult being. Many people have seen and experienced paranormal activity. 

One example happened in 1998, when a man by the name of Vic Tandy,  discovered something called the “Ghost Frequency.” He was working late in his lab when he started feeling strange. He almost felt as if he was being watched. Then he suddenly he saw a gray cloudy figure out of the corner of his eye

When Vic turned to face the figure it disappeared entirely. In the building, he wasn’t the only one to have the same experience. This lead to false rumors that the building was in fact haunted. The next day, he discovered the source of the “haunting.” He was polishing his sword when he noticed it was vibrating slightly, even when put onto its stand.

 Dr.Tandy determined that there was a presence of infrasound in the building. He experimented and found that there was a high amount of infrasound near his desk. This is exactly where he had seen the figure. He looked for the source, and found it came from a newly installed fan in the building. Once it was removed, there was no longer any infrasound and also the disappearance of the alleged ghost.

The sound of attack

So what exactly is Infrasound? This is sound that’s between 18 and 20 Hz, and humans can’t necessarily hear this type of sound, but they can sense it.

Once humans are in close contact with infrasound, they often experience blurred vision, headaches, and nausea. A little bit of infrasound can jumble your mind, but large amounts of any sound can be extremely dangerous.

Havana Syndrome is an anomalous health incident that had been happening between 2016 and 2021. Random diplomats from the United States experienced Havana syndrome while stationed in various locations such as China, India, parts of Europe, Cuba, and even Washington, DC.

The causes of this syndrome is unknown, but research has led to a determination that foreign enemies of the United States have developed an ultrasound weapon that can target certain areas from extreme distances. Havana syndrome is created by a loud sound or ultrasound, causing chronic symptoms including insomnia and untreatable headaches.

Sensing a disruption

So why does a certain sound or frequency cause hallucinations and inflict paranoia? Well, the simple answer is that sound passes through solid objects. This particular sound vibrates parts of your brain and your eyeballs as well. In rarer cases, you can also perceive this frequency in your chest, teeth, or skull. The sound targets these parts of your body and can make you hallucinate and cause paranoia.

Some horror movies and set up haunted houses, play and or use infrasound to inflict a natural feeling of paranoia. The scene in a horror movie doesn’t have to be scary, but if the sound is playing you’ll automatically feel a sense of dread. Hollywood often uses this sound to do this and the average person doesn’t know, that’s because you literally can’t hear it: you sense it.

Caught on camera

So why does a certain sound or frequency cause hallucinations and chronic illness in extreme amounts? Well, the simple answer is that sound passes through solid objects. This particular sound vibrates parts of your brain and your eyeballs as well. The sound targets these parts of your body and can make you hallucinate. 

So if ghosts are hallucinations seen by one person then how are ghosts and spooks caught on camera? Well, there are plenty of hoax videos but I’d never doubt that a few things in the wide world of the supernatural exist. 

Supernatural sightings are so frequent and far between, some of them have to be more than just infrasound.

You’re probably wondering how infrasound could have messed with people, if appliances like the fan that caused Vic Tandy to see his apparition weren’t around back in the day?

Infrasound can also occur naturally, especially during natural disasters! Volcanic phenomena, geomagnetic storms, auroral activity, microseisms, special winds, and other severe weather events have all been proven to produce massive amounts of infrasound. So why couldn’t massive amounts of infrasound cause massive amounts of hallucinations?

Paranormal is the only normal

Ghosts, demons, spirits, spooks, haunts, hoaxes, and infrasound are all a part of the strange world we live in. People have mixed opinions on what reality actually is.

 Is it an empty office job that gives you enough money to live, or is reality a hike up a mountain to watch the sunrise? Perception is reality and this article isn’t telling you not to think.

Because of personally experiencing supernatural events, I believe in it. Sure, you might think I’m a crazy person for even thinking about a ghost being somewhat real, but his article is for both of kinds of people believer or not, a scientific look into the paranormal happenings of the world and a different perspective on a controversial topic.

 If you are a non-believer, then after reading this article, try looking at life with a more fantastical perspective. You might just find something new. And for the paranormal enthusiasts, maybe don’t look at every top 10 scary videos online with complete faith. 

Recognize that the world might be much more unknown than we ever thought, and think that not everything has to be explained. Take a look at yourself and those around you, look at your home and your world. And hey the truth can’t be any scarier than your baking I’d suggest changing that.

You can’t see everything, but you shouldn’t believe everything. Either way, have an open mind the next time something goes bump in the night…

Bruce Sauber-Schatz
Bruce Sauber-Schatz
Bruce is an American student, he has always enjoyed being out in nature but he is no stranger to city life. Bruce enjoys making works of art and strives to make people happy. He loves cooking for people and fixing things around the house, he might not always show it but he cares deeply for his family and friends.

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